
Holiday season post:   By Lynne Forrest

It is the Holiday Season – the time of year when the word ”gratitude” is spoken often… But gratitude is more than just a ”nice gesture.”

Gratitude is an essential tool on the Path of Awakening. Being grateful boosts our emotional vibration to a higher frequency and invites more to celebrate.

Gratitude is a fundamental ingredient in manifesting what we want … it activates the law of attraction.

Gratitude is a powerful daily practice. It is an effective treatment for depression, fear, and resentment. It opens the door for loving kindness and attracts to us all the things that resonate with that level of being. 

Don’t wait to be grateful. Give thanks for what you have now – for where you are right now, even as you visualize something better… 

Be in a state of ”thanks-giving” year round – and experience the bounty gratitude brings…  ’Why not set gratitude as your intention?

       – Lynne Forrest

What We Focus On – By: Lynne Forrest

The more you resist something, the more you attempt to eradicate or rebel against what you hate, the stronger it becomes.

Things do not disappear because we attack them, they disappear from lack of interest; they diminish when we turn away from them in apathy.

Whether you root for or rail against something, you feed it.  But when you withdraw your attention from it and focus instead upon what you do want … THAT desired outcome becomes what you feed and attract!

Shower your attention upon the things you want to see blossom in your life, and let the thorny parts wither from lack of attention. 

Experiment with this principle that teaches that what we focus on gets bigger  – and share your findings with me here!

Top of the World        by: Gonzalo Lever                                                              

Through choosing to see the world NOT through our false egotistical self or our getting and striving mind, but allowing Spirit to lead us with every thought, which leads to every action… we open up to a much more attuned and aligned life with our true God-given identity.  We receive more peace, based simply on knowing our true identity in Spirit which is not based on conditions or circumstances.  We receive more love, based purely on knowing we are love at our essence.  We receive more joy, simply because we identify with a Self that was created joyful and not dependent on outer circumstances to feel joyful.

Gonzalo Lever