Join us this afternoon for an uplifting, informative, inspiring discussion group on the Practical Application of Universal Law in your life.
Sunday April 13 12:45 – 2 PM Love Offering
Lynne’s work is devoted to helping people find and clear the painful beliefs and ideas that have caused them distress through a process of accessing the Observer Self.
We look forward to having you join us.
Lynne Forrest is an Author and Reality Guide & Personal Growth Mentor. As a perpetual student of life and consciousness, Lynne has devoted her career to studying with masters of various disciplines. Family dynamics, Jungian principles; dreams and shadow work, psychodrama and energy as well as the laws of manifestation, body oriented practices such as yoga, physical unwinding and qigong are just some of the approaches Lynne applies in her work with others. She has been sharing her findings with others and watching their lives transform since the seventies.