Spiritual Counseling and Assistance
The Temple is pleased to offer spiritual counseling, by appointment only. We are here to serve with loving, compassionate hearts.
Compassionate listening - Genuine, heartfelt caring
Friendly, positive suggestions
Effective, creative problem solving
Intuitive insight for spiritual growth and support
We invite you to call (727) 822-8628 to make an appointment with Rev. LeRoy Zemke - Senior Pastor, Rev. Karmene Lusis -Associate Pastor, or one of our Ministry Team pastors - Rev. Betty Pressly, Rev. Annette Mason, Rev. Gloria Standish or Rev. Marvin Shepherd.

Baby's Spiritual Christening / Cleansing
Baptism is an ancient ceremony found in many religious, worldwide. Its existence may be traced back to the so-called Mystery Religions of Ancient Egypt and Greece in which the candidate, or Initiate, was given a new spiritual name to be used exclusively in the worship of the god or goddess. For Christians, its origin is found in the practices of John the Baptist (Matt. 3:5-6). At the Temple of the Living God, Baptism is the spiritual rite in which a newborn infant or child is welcomed into both the Universal Body of God and the body of our church family.
Spiritual Communion is offered is throughout the year to everyone seeking to participate in this unique spiritual activity.
It is not necessary to be a member of TLG to participate in and experience communion. Visitors, guests and non-member friends of the church are always welcome.

Weddings, Matrimonies & Soul Unions
Weddings can be uniquely designed and individually crafted to support the special kind of service each couple desires.
Ministers are available to help those who are sincerely interested in an inspired marriage ceremony. It is suggested that any couple desiring to be married under the auspices of TLG arrange for counseling prior to the scheduling of any ceremony.
For further information please call the pastors.

Celebration of Life & Memorial Services
Celebration of Life / Memorial services are the way in which we pay homage to the life of a parent, family member or friend at the time of their "transition or grand Initiation" from this life into a higher state of being.
For the majority of persons, this time marks a difficult spiritual, emotional and psychological passage. The pastors at the TLG are here to assist you in designing and individually crafting exactly the right kind of dignified service you seek to honor and remember that special person in your life.