...a vibrant community that is joyous and uplifting to support you on your journey to know and honor the Divine within

...a spiritual home to help you experience the presence of Spirit through word, mediation, music, prayer, and fellowship

...a safe place to explore your passions and discover your purpose that is free of rigid limitations and dogma and full of warm-companionship and like-minded seekers


TLG is an Interfaith Metaphysical Community for personal and spiritual growth located in the heart of downtown St. Petersburg, Florida.

Our #1 Mission is to assist and support you through the journey of your personal spiritual awakening through education, healing, love and service.

Our purpose is to serve our community by providing opportunities for people of all faiths to join together in a spiritually supportive atmosphere.

We are dedicated to creating a safe space to allow you to explore your passions, find your purpose and honor the Divine the lives inside us all!

Through community connection we explore the commonality of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience

Our Core Values


We strive to see the Divine, and therefore, the highest good in all people and things, and to help people find their path to a more abundant life.


We embrace diversity and welcome people of all ages, races, social backgrounds, sexual orientations and religions.


Interfaith is a way of life that allows each person to express the Divine in their own way and respects the endless possibilities of Divine expression.

While TLG's roots are in Christianity, we honor and explore the truth teachings held in common with all world's sacred traditions and faith religions including Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism, Judaism, Islam and Native American teachings.

We believe We Are One and all connected to each other. We feel that it is not so important what one believes about God, as long as one believes!


Our Education Program and Ministries cover a wide range of concepts and teachings to provide a practical approach to Metaphysics and Spirituality to help people of all religious backgrounds and faiths to apply positive spiritual principles in their daily lives.


Metaphysics is a word of Greek origin which simply means "beyond" or "after the physical". It was first used by Andronicus of Rhodes (c.70 BC) whose chief work was an arrangement of the writings of Aristotle in which he arbitrarily placed Aristotle's writings on spiritual matters directly after those which dealt with physical causation. The term has since come to be used as a general description of any philosophy or teaching which believes in the essential spiritual spiritual origin of, and connection to all things material.


"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free".

-John 8:32

Our Beliefs & Teachings

We believe in the ineffable Presence, eternal and omnipresent power of God, the Infinite.
God is expressed in, through and as the life-giving force in the universe. God is the essential substance of the Cosmos. All forms of life, known and unknown, share this force (energy).

TLG embraces the belief in the Ten Commandments, as a guide for moral behavior. Members and friends of the Temple are free to follow the God of their inner most heart or "Higher Power" as they perceive that to be.

We also accept the Great Master Jesus and his teaching contained within the New Testament Bible and elsewhere as "The Way Shower" and "The Son of God".

Jesus is seen as the "Universal Christ" who, by his example and teachings, shows us the way to obtain the very same Christ-Consciousness he possessed.

  • Life as we know it in a human incarnation, embodies a divine fragment , a spark of the immanent God presence.
  • No human being is ever lost, condemned or judged. Each is a child of God.
  • Salvation or the remembering of our divine heritage is unconditional. It is available to all sentient beings.
  • Each incarnated being has a soul, which is the embodiment of our subtle nature. It is the dimension of our being that holds our talents, our unrealized potentiality, our transcendent nature.
  • These truths, as they are embraced are called enlightenment, or Christ-consciousness, yield love and compassion for all sentient beings.

"I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do ever greater things than these, because I am going to the Father"

-John 14:12